30 day vegan pledge

There it is folks. 3 years ago this month I became a vegan and 6 years ago in May I started out as a vegan and then became a vegetarian. I came across the Peta website and saw the pledge to go vegan for 30 days. I know it’s hard to go vegan. I didn’t even do so well for a while. But, you can do it!
It’s kind of exciting pledging for something as big as changing your diet for the better. I remember when I signed the pledge I felt that if I broke it, even for one bite of cheese, it was like breaking a promise. It’s motivating know that I declared myself to veganism. I only wanted to be the best vegan I could possibly be.
We’re lucky now a days because stores cater to vegetarian and vegan diets so it’s even more easy than it was a few years ago. Ultimately, I want to be 100% homemade. I already made bread and cheese sauce but I’d love to start making my own nut milks and yogurts. I’ve stopped almost all store bought foods like tortillas, mock meats, cereals…
Occasionally, I slip up and buy Daiya cheese for pizza but other than that, I’m almost there!
So, on that note… today June 17, 2014, I’m going to re-pledge my veganism. I want to continue to be an even better vegan to help not only myself, but the earth and all of its creatures.