Vegan Cheesesteak Dip

Super Bowl Sunday has become a big part of my life since I met my husband. Every year we get together with our friends and have a great football filled evening of team themed vegan food.
This year, in honor of the Patriots, I made hearts of palm “crab” cakes (recipe will be posted soonish) and for the Eagles, cheesesteak dip!
I’ve been in love with cheesesteaks ever since I moved to New York 12 years ago. I remember my first one was in Tarrytown, NY of all places!
It was filled with hot peppers and extra salt, pepper and ketchup. I’ve since been making them using different types of seitan and cheese and thought I’d take it a bit further tonight and turn it into a dip!
So folks, here it is!
2 Packages unseasoned seitan (I used Upton’s Naturals)
1 Package vegan cheddar (I used SoDelicius)
1 Container vegan cream cheese
1/4 C nutritional yeast
2 C veggie stock
1 Jalapeño, diced
1/2 C bell peppers, diced
1 Red onion, diced
1/2 C portabella mushrooms, diced
Ketchup, no measurement… 🙃
2 T vegan Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 375’
In a skillet, sauté onions until translucent then add seitan and cook for about 5 minutes so it gets a little color.
*Cube the seitan so it’s easier to scoop!
Add in the rest of the veggies, salt and pepper and cook for another 5 or so minutes until tender.
*You can add a little oil if needed.
Transfer the seitan and veggies to a large baking dish.
In a sauce pan, add cream cheese, half the bag of cheddar, veggie stock, nutritional yeast and Worcestershire.
Cook until it’s just about to boil. Add to the seitan mixture and stir together.
Top with the rest of the cheddar and ketchup.
Just squeeze a very generous amount all over the top. Like, just go for it! You can’t really go wrong, unless the lid falls off and the entire bottle comes out. Add extra salt and pepper and bake for 25 minutes.
Take it out and give the dip a good mix. Place it back in the oven for another 5 to 10 minutes.
Serve this with pieces of a baguette or pita chips!
Happy Super Bowl! Or party. Or Saturday night… or whenever you eat this, enjoy!