Waste and Breakfast

So… being waste free isn’t as easy as one would think. I’ve had a few mess ups. Now, before I confess what I’ve done I just want to make my goal clear.
I’m trying to be as waste free as possible. Ultimately it’d be nice to be 100% waste free, but in time. This year I will focus on no plastic. I’ve done an ok job, considering it’s only mid February. I’ve made some mistakes, like I said. The other day I was at the grocery store and while I brought my reusable bag with me, I ended up buying tomatoes in a plastic container. My reason! The tomatoes in the container looked waaaay better than the free standing ones. I could have skipped them all together and made something else for dinner, but I was craving them and my craving won.
I can’t let silly things like that win. I can’t contribute to the whales dying or birds getting stuck in container holes.
I bought myself some reusable produce bags and I’ve been pretty good with those. I used them at Whole Foods for the first time and felt like an urban gatherer. I liked it!
One thing I’m having trouble with is location of Whole Foods and bagged items. Whole Foods is over 30 minutes away from me. Sometimes it’s not bad, but it’s not often I get there to take advantage of the bulk bins. We eat a lot of oatmeal, everyday in fact, and so far I’ve been buying oats in a box with a plastic lid. Better than a bag, but still. I’ll need to make more time to focus on buying enough product to last me a lot longer than I expect.
My oatmeal above has been the best breakfast to start each work day.
Gluten free or regular quick oats
Raisins or cranberries
Flax seeds
Hemp hearts
Banana or fruit of preference
Freeze dried fruit, if I have it
I put everything together for my morning and add hot water when I’m ready to eat. Super simple.